Just released: December’s low-risk, high-yield Share Advisor recommendations [PREMIUM PICKS]
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Premium content from Motley Fool Share Advisor UK
Investors with a strong will may find it Snow the style is attractive. By focusing on businesses that have demonstrated consistent financial performance and growing profits, we seek to beat the market with a mix of income and steadily rising share prices. We consider this a low-risk investment strategy The firebut company- and industry-specific risks mean diversification remains important.
Ice investing can produce big, short-term gains from time to time, but we’re primarily looking for consistent gains over time, and shallow declines during broad stock market declines. These qualities are often found in established firms, however Snow the approach does not focus only on large companies. We often see ample opportunity to invest in mid-sized companies, with strong niche positions in their industry and the ability to grow their earnings in the coming years.
December Ice recommendation:
It has been redone
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